Feb 24, 2011

One of the family!

In less than a week with us Sugar is fully settled in. She immediately bonded with the people in the family, is eating and sleeping well, and has her favorite potty spot in the yard. She initially didn't pay much attention to furry foster brother Tucker but when I took her for blood work the day after she arrived she was very excited to see other dogs at the vet. It was primarily smaller dogs so of course I started thinking Tucker was too big for her (a common problem at 88lbs). Day 3 when I let them out, though, Sugar picked up one of his toys - making sure he saw her - and ran to the front of the house with it. Tucker took chase, and this opened up the floodgates. I believe that this smart little girl was just figuring him out...she likes to take all the toys and play keep away with him.
To the right she is playing keep away and above she is in "King of the couch" mode - note all the hoarded toys behind her!
Sugar is potty trained and does very well on a leash. She seems to really like men - the first day she met her dog walker she smothered him with love. We are trying to figure out some simple hand commands that will be easy for her to see. So far shaking a finger for "No" seems to work well - in only a few days she has learned not to jump up on us at the dinner table - very impressed with that!
Its hard to say how well she sees - she watches the neighbor's dogs out the window but will occasionally be surprised by a wall or person close to her. She also seems to hear some things, but certainly not much - for example, she does not wake if you call her while she is sleeping.
We did learn that Sugar is positive for both RMSF and Lyme Disease, and are treating her with the antibiotics she needs to fight both. I'm hoping that some of her hearing and vision issues can be helped a bit with that treatment, but only time will tell! We are all very happy to have this girl with us, and hope to post great news on her progress!